Plaster Cast Fetish shoot for Casted Cuties

This week, after knowing the owner of Casted Cuties for years I finally met up with him to shoot!
I had never done a plaster cast shoot before but I had a cast on when I was younger and have broken other bones too haha.

We started off with a super cool bright pink cast on my left leg.
It was applied fast and with ease!
Here’s some photos of the application process:
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It was harder than I expected to model in a cast. Especially a leg one as of course it is so very restricting 😉

We did various shots including on the sofa, standing up, on a bike, with crutches, etc.
And on the roof terrace!
We also did some photo sets with me in a leg bandage and an arm support.

The removal of the leg cast was a tad scary but fun! Loved the sound of the saw and the vibrations haha.
Here are some photos of the removal of the leg cast:
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I love the fun of doing normal stuff in a cast. Making it realistic yet stylish at the sametime 😉
We also did some of me in the leg bandage in a ballet outfit and en pointe!

The helplessness and restraint combined was quite sexy.

If you fancy a custom photoset or HD video of me in a cast or bandage let me know!

So, stay tuned and keep checking for the updates!

I am seeking to shoot more cast fetish stuff so please get in touch if you fancy working with me:

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